Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Running after antelope:a trip to Cambodia

Response to the question on Zyra Cristobal's blog [ http://zcristobal08.blogspot.com/]:

Explain the significance of the final paragraph in page 79 of the book

The author says he would like to say he feels he has become a better person for going on the trip, yet in the same paragraph says he isn’t a better person for it. My interpretation is that if he does nothing he will be a coward, without a cause, and with no aim. He took a trip hoping to discover the truth yet in the truth he found so much emptiness. The author is bound to believe that he needs the world to know that Cambodia is a place that has much pain. The author is echoing the cry for help from the people. He has seen the destruction and feels the call to speak out against it. I feel the power in the words “the torturers and the killers had been children” (pg73). The image and the grotesque of children killing others by bare shovels and picks is a gloomy imagination of the hopes for Cambodia. It is necessary for more people to see Cambodia for what it really is. The attention and possible media would be the start of a new beginning for the location’s betterment. Yet if he does nothing he is not made a better person especially because he has seen the truth. Ergo, attention brings light on the truths and the truths will bring light for the need of attention.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Windfall:Running After Antelope

1.What is the relationship with the author and this mother? What is the significance of adding the image of his mother buying him a house?

2.What is the significance of including the imagery of Bob drinking?

3. What is the significane of the irony in Bob and the author, fighting after having had a good time prior drinking?

4.How is it ironic that the neightbors complain about the other's flaws when they themselves may be worse?

5.Why is the image of Bob and the author listening to tapes important?

6. Why does the author doubt his mother as aforshadowing of him getting over an internal issue?

7. Why is it ironic that Bob would try to befriend the author after disliking all his other neighbors?

8. What is the symbolism of Bob having a gun in the entre of his house?

9. Why is it ironic that Clarence would look down on other people, in prison, for having a lesser crime than him when he killed his wife?

10. What is the symbolism of Clarence killing his wife with a broom? Why is Clarence so calm about the whole situation?

"Natural Family Planning "

I picked the creative nonfiction entitled, "Natural Family Planning". I disliked this poem for a few reasons, yet I admire it for others.The idea that everything has to be planned is absurd to me. The author is someone who obsess over planning what happen to her body and every one's around her. However, the body has a function, a purpose, and a design. The body doesn't require over thinking of how to get pregnant but rather allow the appreciation of circumstances that get one there. Children are a blessing and should be loved and cherished. However, one can't smoother them and try to control them.Ironically, the author resents her mother yet doesn't want that from her own child. I don't believe in natural planning. I believe in thanking God for what he gives one, and praying for what he doesn't. The discomfort of the husband, to me, is likely due to the over structured, timed, and stressed situations he has to see. Therefore, he doesn't want to be apart of it. He loves his wife and their child but I affirm his belief in allowing nature to take its course.      

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Full Moon

Dear full moon, as I write an ode to you I am reminded of many things, the world surrounding us yet we don’t see. “
Glistening light, I attempt to understand your ways.
 Moon I beg of you, tell me what lays
 I have been wondering for so long
what makes you smile.
 Every night when we meet up for our daily talks
I wonder for quite a while
 you say nothing but bare teeth to the world.
Am I alone?
You mock me as if I am blind
Well then help me find!
Something in front of me
Something I can grasp to be
Dear moon, perhaps because you are wiser
you understand more
carry me on your shoulders
so I may too soar.
You are seen so small
Yet so large is your call
The time that life has granted you
 Has proved to us what you can do
Ignite in me a desire
To set my soul on fire
For you.
As a meditate on today
Give me your wisdom to find my way
If I fail
Don’t let time sail,
Away with my heart.
Dear moon, give me the light
That makes you shine so bright.
Give me the strength
To have your might.
Little rain drops
That fall in my eyes
Don’t cloud my sight
Don’t darken my fight
For if this is my right
Set your hands of light
Upon this flower
Named beautiful.”
With my terrible memory, I forget so many things especially to thank you for shinning. As I sit outside on my beautiful patio, which I rarely do, I feel at home. It's strange to understand how life can pass us by yet we are far too  busy to ever smell the roses. "Mom, what do you think, I ask my mom?" "I think, it's beautiful especially how clear the sky looks to show it's glow," she replies. I agree mom, I agree.