Monday, March 12, 2012

"Natural Family Planning "

I picked the creative nonfiction entitled, "Natural Family Planning". I disliked this poem for a few reasons, yet I admire it for others.The idea that everything has to be planned is absurd to me. The author is someone who obsess over planning what happen to her body and every one's around her. However, the body has a function, a purpose, and a design. The body doesn't require over thinking of how to get pregnant but rather allow the appreciation of circumstances that get one there. Children are a blessing and should be loved and cherished. However, one can't smoother them and try to control them.Ironically, the author resents her mother yet doesn't want that from her own child. I don't believe in natural planning. I believe in thanking God for what he gives one, and praying for what he doesn't. The discomfort of the husband, to me, is likely due to the over structured, timed, and stressed situations he has to see. Therefore, he doesn't want to be apart of it. He loves his wife and their child but I affirm his belief in allowing nature to take its course.      

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